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What’s a legal focus group?
A focus group is a group of selected individuals assembled to participate in a guided discussion about their thoughts and feeling towards certain subjects.
In simpler terms, remember these AT&T commercials?
We’re going to do that – but in a slightly more “grown up” manner. You’ll be asked questions about real life legal cases, and we want your unfiltered opinions.
How do focus groups work?
Focus groups can either be in person or through a virtual platform like Zoom. The moderator will guide the discussion throughout the session and he or she will ask you to share your opinions on different subjects. Sometimes, lawyers will practice their opening or closing arguments. You get to act as a mock juror. Together with the rest of the mock jury, you will analyze the case and tell the lawyers what you did or didn’t like.
What’s the purpose of a focus group?
The purpose of a focus group is to identify your feelings, thoughts and perceptions about real cases. It’s an opportunity for lawyers to see the case differently. Lawyers want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly before they walk into a courtroom, not after.
How long do focus groups last?
It depends. The duration will vary between focus groups.
Do I get paid to be in a focus group?
Of course! Compensation will vary between focus groups.
Why participate in a focus group?
Not only will you learn something new, but you’re making a difference in someone’s life. What lawyers learn from YOU in focus groups will help shape the way they practice law and help their clients at trial. Also, you get paid. So that’s a plus.
Are you a right fit for a focus group?
Focus group participants must be comfortable with sharing their unfiltered feelings. We’re looking for people who aren’t afraid to tell us their truth, even if the rest of the group disagrees. If you can do that, fill out the questionnaire. If chosen, someone from Focus on Florida will reach out to you.