““If the glove doesn’t fit,
you must acquit.””
That iconic line was the product of a focus group. Still don’t think a focus group is worth the time or money? Keep reading.
What’s the point of a focus group?
Legal focus groups are not intended to predict who will win or lose at trial. Think of it like this – focus group are like bomb-sniffing dogs, they’ll lead you to the explosives in your case.
Phillip Miller and Paul Scoptur said it best,
“Spending time and money on a focus group is not about “winning” the focus group. In fact, to learn the most from a focus group, you should prepare the case so that you lose. Only then can you learn how to win. Whenever a focus group finds something wrong with your case – whenever the group challenges your assumptions – it’s a gift that can help you find the solution and win your case.” - Focus Groups, Hitting the Bull’s-Eye
Why should I spend money on focus groups?
… Cause it’s sure as hell cheaper than losing your case or trying it twice.
What does Focus on Florida do?
Focus on Florida solicits and vets appropriate participants to ensure that your panel constitutes a diverse group to mimic the population that would typically be included in your jury pool.
We prepare pre and post-focus group questionnaires, non-disclosure agreements, and pertinent consent forms. Focus on Florida provides online conference management – to ensure that all participants are comfortable using virtual platforms and that all things run smoothly for attorneys.
On top of all of that – we are in constant communication with the participants so you don’t have to waste your time answering emails and can maintain your anonymity at all times. All you need to do is show up and be ready to try your case, let Focus on Florida handle the rest of it.
Why hire Focus on Florida?
Our attention to detail is unparalleled. No one else will take the time to do what we do.
Time. Is. Money. Your time is better spent working on your opening argument, finalizing your demonstrative aides, and narrowing down the issues you want to try out. Advertising/marketing for participants, culling through the responses and emailing back and forth with participants is not where you should be spending your time.
Does Focus on Florida do “virtual” focus groups?
Indeed we do. Virtual focus groups, just like in person, are a great way to find the explosives in your case. You should be doing virtual focus groups and you should be doing them often. Email us today to schedule your virtual focus group.