Jury-proof your way to a victory in court.


From one-on-one consulting, to private conceptual focus groups, and mock voir dire's, Focus on Florida provides experienced consultants to assist in simplifying your case. 

By focus grouping your case, you have the ability to determine: 

  • Whether the theme of your case resonates with jurors

  • Whether your demonstratives make sense - or whether they're too confusing

  • Whether the jury likes the defendant

  • Whether the jury sympathizes with the plaintiff

  • Whether your story make sense (or the opposition is believable)

  • Who is really to blame for the plaintiff's injuries

  • Whether the damages you are requesting are too high or too low

... and so much more.

Before you spend the time and expenses of going to trial, let Focus on Florida help you jury-proof your case.


Focus on: Voir Dire

This voir dire focused group will delve into preconceived ideas that jurors possess. Much like in voir dire, we want to help you dig deep to determine what notions do jurors walk into the courthouse with before they’ve heard a stitch of evidence. This mock voir dire will explore these areas, specifically tailored to your case.


Focus on: Voir Dire & Opening

This concept focused group will begin with a mini-voir dire during the morning session, and will continue with opening statement(s) and de-briefing in the afternoon.


Focus on: "Clopening"

This focus group will allow you to focus in on what arguments resonate with the jurors. By having the opportunity to present both arguments, story lines, or potential case themes, you can figure out what hits home and truly sticks.

Focus on: Our Extras. 

We can provide the following services at extra costs. 



Feel like you'd rather be the one behind the glass wall? Let one of our experienced legal consultants take the reins on your voir dire or make an opening statement as opposing counsel. 



Want a play-by-play of what was said? Our team will take stenographic-like notes throughout the day. 


Food and Drinks

Want to make sure your jurors are fed and well hydrated? We will cater your event to make sure no one is hangry.

Contact us for more details to determine which package is right for you.